Hi, my name is Jessy and Iā€™m a therapist treating depression in NYC.

therapy for depression

So many of us struggle with persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness that seem overwhelming and unshakeable. Depression can affect our ability to find joy in life. Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or self-blame may accompany depression, leading folks to withdraw from their community and isolate themselves from friends and family. Physical symptoms such as fatigue, aches, and pains can further exacerbate the burden of depression, making it feel like an all-encompassing struggle.

While traditional models of therapy often focus on treating symptoms, Somatic Internal Family Systems (IFS) offers a unique perspective by viewing depression as a manifestation of inner conflict within the mind. By understanding depression through the lens of IFS, you can gain insight into the underlying dynamics at play and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

Depression arises when there is internal conflict among these parts of the psyche. For example, a part may hold onto painful emotions or beliefs stemming from past traumas, while another part attempts to suppress or avoid these feelings altogether. This internal tug-of-war can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed, disconnected from their true selves, and stuck in a cycle of despair.

Benefits of Somatic Internal Family Systems in treating Depression

  1. Reduced Emotional Distress: By focusing on bodily sensations and movements, individuals can learn to identify and manage the physical manifestations of depression, leading to a reduction in emotional distress and discomfort.

  2. Increased Self-Awareness: Somatic IFS therapy fosters a deeper understanding of how emotions and experiences are stored in the body, allowing individuals to develop greater self-awareness and insight into their depressive symptoms.

  3. Empowerment and Self-Compassion: Somatic IFS therapy encourages individuals to approach their depressive symptoms with curiosity and compassion, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-acceptance that can counteract feelings of helplessness and self-criticism.

  4. Improved Body Image and Self-Esteem: Somatic IFS therapy promotes acceptance and appreciation of the body, leading to improvements in body image and self-esteem that can buffer against depressive symptoms and enhance overall well-being.

In therapy, I help clients explore their inner landscape with curiosity and compassion, identifying and understanding the various parts involved in their experience of depression. By creating a safe space for these parts to express themselves without judgment, individuals can begin to unravel the underlying conflicts and find a sense of inner harmony and balance.